CEO Welcome
Welcome to The Capacity Specialists
Welcome to The Capacity Specialists. We recently celebrated our 10 year anniversary and we have come a long way! When we started we focused on short term training, as this was what most organisations were doing to help their people grow. As we engaged with clients we learned what they wanted but were not getting - behaviour change and improved results. We knew we had to change & now we can better support our clients.
If you are reading this you must have some interest in developing your employees to their fullest potential. You may also be wondering ‘what will my experience be when I work with The Capacity Specialists?’ When we work with a client we aim to understand their needs, challenges and the results they want. We then recommend and implement an innovative solution, understanding the dual challenge of behaviour change and delivering a positive return on investment. We aim to partner our clients over the long-term. We are confident if we keep on delivering positive results by helping our clients achieve their goals, we will develop a lifelong partnership.
If you are a new client I encourage you to give us a try. I am confident that one of our services will add value to your organisation - especially our guaranteed programs. If you are an existing client then I would like to thank you for choosing The Capacity Specialists as your learning & development partner. The future of The Capacity Specialists will be tied to the success of our clients and their people. This is how we can make sure our specialists and team continue to provide the best results and service to our clients.
Our Approach
Our programs focus on the 100% of how people learn. They are designed to change behavior and improve organizational performance.
We guarantee our results will lead to measurable performance improvements. We use the Kirkpatrick model & the 70/20/10 model to evaluate training effectiveness.
This is our process:
About Us
We disrupt learning to improve human performance
To be the preferred Learning & Performance Consultancy delivering positive impact
To improve understanding and use of effective learning methodologies for human performance